Hello & Welcome
This site is designed for two reasons.  
1)  For the Casting, Production & Executive side of things:
This site is to inform you about the details of my experience, skills,
talents, and attributes.  It is to help you learn more about what I can
bring to your production as an actor & a professional.  

2)  For fans of my work:
I've listened to your suggestions & have implemented some of the
things you all have requested.  Thank you for your continued support.
- News Coverage
Check out Clips from TV talk shows, newspaper and magazine articles.
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Welcome To...
- "Liv"
I won "Best Overall Performance by a Lead Actor" at the A.T.T.I.C.
International Film Fest for my work as the lead character "Thomas"
in this film. "Liv" is only 7 minutes but very a very powerful film.
You are brought on a complete emotion journey with Thomas as he
discovers that life is not as hopeless as he had grown to believe.
- Film Review
on "Liv" and my performance in the film. It's an awesome article
Click here to see the online review
Yes I Can Now group Facebook group
Aired on Saturday, October 15, 2013  8:10pm - 9:37pm